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Recommended construction method for HSL/small edge pile imitation stone

We will introduce some recommended tips for installing the stone-block style imitation stone tile Can'Stone to give the finished product a more realistic look that resembles stacked stones.

Tips for HSL: Small Edge Stacking Imitation Stones


When stacking tightly, there will inevitably be situations where spaces form between the stones.
When the main stones are laid on the ground, small pieces of stone are often broken and placed between them to prevent the stones from collapsing and to increase the density of the wall.

Check! Points

1) Use glue that is close to the color of the tile you are using.


Recommended construction method for HSL and edge-pile imitation stones

②Cut the stones and fill in the gaps.

By filling in the gaps, the amount of base coat visible is reduced, resulting in a beautiful look.
It is possible to achieve a finish that is close to the original stone masonry design.

Recommended construction method for HSL and edge-pile imitation stones

If you have a sander or similar tool on hand, use it to cut the material to fit the dimensions of the gap.
If you want to create a rougher look, use a hammer or something similar to hit the thin parts of the tile to adjust the size and create pieces to fit between them.
If the tile aggregate becomes visible on the surface, use Stone Aid, sold separately.


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